
Toby Liu
- 研究生

Machine Learning

Kaohsiung Map of Fire Risk Assessments 2.0 powered by D4SG

Speaker introduction

Toby is a participant in D4SG.org initiated by DSP. He is also a graduate student in ISA of NTHU, engagin in Data Mining and Emotion analytics. Aside from research, he is an active OSS contributer in COSCUP, MozTw.org, and NCUNOS.

Schedule introduction

Kaohsiung Map of Fire Risk Assessments 2.0 is developed by D4SG and Kaohsiung City Fire Bureau. This project finds out the key factors of fire incidences through data sciences to optimize the visits to residence buildings with limited fire service resource. We use BalanceCascde to deal with imbalanced learning, several small random forest models to predict the incidence rate of fire, and deep learning models to predict the estimated loss of the fire in residence buildings.

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